
Worst like shit!

Left 3 more days that 2013 is coming. Please... Time pass too fast, I not prepare enough yet to greet a new year's arrival. I don't know what me annoying, just don't want 2013 come as fast as possible. A clear point, that's impossible and I know that. Right, I know my way of thinking a bit like escapism, I know me now doing nothing at home all day plus no go to work earn money. Like a lazy worm stay at home wait parents help to take care of me, people go to work after SPM, me relax at home after SPM. Sometimes, really feels shame to myself and I am a useless person.

My life just stay at home, online and watch TV after wake up, eat when feels hungry, sleep until noon and repeat same life. Such a worst life, me just a shit in this house. Parents work from day to night, me didn't help any to them, just like a troublemaker and waste money, waste time, waste life.

I want be a useful girl, I want learn things hard work from now. I don't want give trouble to my parents again. I want change this kind of life. First step I need to do is know how to drive a manual car well. I want pass for the P license and found a job immediately. Maybe I'll go to college study for account course. It's still be considered and I need think wisely to make a correct decision. Feels relax a little after release stress. 

2 条评论:

  1. 你不是没用的人,而是你还没发挥所长...
    account course?? U should think wisely wor...Make a good decision...Don't regret after that...

    1. nei.... onni! I know and I should have faith to me too.
