Yup, it's 1 of April and the first 3 months passed away!! I had a super lazy and free holiday in the past few days. Like one of my cousin said: Sleep late is an icon of holiday. Non-sense right I know. But I did it-.- The new record of me is I slept on 5.34am in this morning seriously!! And like usual as always, I sat in front of my laptop aka TV for hours. (Honestly I don't even watch TV[the real one] at home for year.) It's the story.
Originally I intend to sleep at 12am, so I take my very late shower on midnight and open Youtube with Tablo's song - Tomorrow ft. TaeYang. Yeah, I like this song so much and can't believe this such good song they made was their's first met!! The CEO of YG Entertainment just intro Tablo to Taeyang and leave him with Taeyang and make one featuring, this was the featuring.I'm just feel so glad that I did watched Strong Heart's episode of YG Family and listened to this song. (I still don't know who's Tablo at that time, oh, he's one of the singer of YG I was thinking as that way.) Well, who know Tablo become my Facebook cover now right! Hehehe.. That's the time I know him and I like his's stuff, especially his music!! He is talented rapper, music people.
Okay, back to the story. After shower, sit in front the laptop again. Scroll Facebook and look for Tablo's facebook page and instagram like a stalkerXDD and search about his news. Don't doubt that, I'll follow all the social media they have and search for their detail for the artist I like to know them well, it doesn't like the word stalker but can say I want to know their story. We can't judge someone if we don't know him/her right, it also doesn't mean that we can judge him/her after we know him/her because we don't really know him/her in reality but just on the news. So we can just know some of their's story and like them and appreciate it with fully support. (Alright, what crap broken English I write but I know what it mean and what I want to say so it's okay la) Then see my Facebook page for 30 seconds and I decide to change it. And I replay the episode of YG family for the part Tablo talk about his story. I watch and feel sorry for him. Those shouldn't happen to him. But luckily he have a good wife and cute daughter beside him. That's what I do in the early morning.
Boring right. Ya I know. How could I don't sleep at night and just sit in front of laptop do these. But it's okay, I have time, I have nothing to do. So I watch, I listen, I eat and when I want to sleep. It's my holiday.
Why I'll like Tablo suddenly? Hehehe.. Because of one of a new Korean variety show- "超人回来了"! It's nice!!!!!!! I like this show so much!! I tried to watch this show a few days ago, because it's also one show of a father with his kids. I like this kind of show so much!! First I click into the Tablo cut video because I couldn't find the full one. After the video end I found a little interest to this show so I click the full one of episode 4 directly. Then it starts my journal of this show.
The show have an actor 张铉诚with both his kids 11yrs old 张俊宇 and 7yrs old 张俊瑞brothers, a fighter 秋成勋with his daughter秋小爱, a rapper Tablo with his daughter Haru and a MC 李辉才with both his twin sons 李瑞言 and 李瑞俊 .
