Do you actually know what is Singlish? Colloquial Singaporean English(also known as Singlish) is an English-based creole language spoken in Singapore. The vocabulary of Singlish consists of words originating from English, Malay, Hokkien, Teochew, Cantonese, Tamil and to a lesser extent various other European, Indic and Sinitic languages. It's something like "bad pronunciation in speaking English", for the examples: Use your blain lah(use your brain), Don't pray pray(Don't play play), relac lah(relax)... Or another examples: Walao, I want eat chicken rice(I am craving for chicken rice), Dis country weather very hot one(In this country, the weather is very warm), No good lah(This isn't good), He sick, so he stay home sleep lor(He's not feeling well, so he decided to stay home and sleep)... And let's me give you another examples: Yesterday, dey go there orredy(They already went there yesterday), He throw liao(He has already thrown it away), and there are also many discourse particles, such as hah, hor, meh, ar, that are used in questions. Okay, I give you last another examples: You go ting ting a little bit, maybe den you get answer(Go and think over it for a while, and then you might understand), Want to go Spring walk walk see see or not(Let go shopping/sightseeing at The Spring), We two fren-fren one(We are close friends), and still got some Singlish phrases like kena, one, then, oi, lah, wat, mah, lor, leh, hor, ar, hah, meh, siah, sai, siao and etc. Google yourself lah if you want more details.
Okay, who are them then? They are Chua Jin Sen aka Dr Jiajia and Chua Jin Chou aka Big Bro! I had been watched some of them videos like Singlish, Big Talk and I think they are adorable!! I really like their videos and I hope they can make more and more videos and I know how hard-work is their's father need to make a video by scripting, recording, editing and else. Appreciate all his family stuff in making a video and I enjoy you guys videos^^ Moreover, Dr JiaJia is the iconic face for DAS (Dyslexia Association of Singapore) and is the cover boy for DAS recent publication.
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Kee Chiew! |
By the way, 2012, Dr Jiajia started filming in a local movie–Taxi!Taxi!–where he acted along side with comedians Gurmit Singh(Phua Chu Kang) and Mark Lee.
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Pic from XIN MSN |
This movie will be showing in January 2013.
Anyway, if you want know more about them, do check out their website-->DR. JIAJIA and BIG BRO<-- and their official Youtube channel-->Dr. Jiajia & Big Bro | Youtube<-- Do enjoy their videos, it's really NICE~~~~~
Maybe some of you(even me also didn't know before this) don't know what Dyslexia is right?! So me go to Google to do a research about dyslexia and I got this.
Dyslexia(失读症, 又称诵读障碍或阅读障碍, 是一种疾病, 也是一種常见的学习障碍) is distinct from reading difficulties resulting from other causes, such as a non-neurological deficiency with vision or hearing, or from poor or inadequate reading instruction. There are three proposed cognitive subtypes of dyslexia (auditory, visual and attentional), although individual cases of dyslexia are better explained by specific underlying neuropsychological deficits and co-occurring learning disabilities (e.g. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, math disability, etc.).
Reading disability, or dyslexia, is the most common learning disability. Although it is considered to be a receptive language-based learning disability in the research literature, dyslexia also affects one's expressive language skills,. Researchers at MIT found that people with dyslexia exhibited impaired voice-recognition abilities. Adult dyslexics can read with good comprehension, but they tend to read more slowly than non-dyslexics and perform more poorly at spelling and nonsense word reading, a measure of phonological awareness. Dyslexia and IQ are not interrelated as a result of cognition developing independently.
More medical point of saying, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes give the following definition for dyslexia:
Dyslexia is a brain-based type of learning disability that specifically impairs a person's ability to read. These individuals typically read at levels significantly lower than expected despite having normal intelligence. Although the disorder varies from person to person, common characteristics among people with dyslexia are difficulty with spelling, phonological processing (the manipulation of sounds), and/or rapid visual-verbal responding. In adults, dyslexia usually occurs after a brain injury or in the context of dementia. It can also be inherited in some families and so on, and recent studies have identified a number of genes that may predispose an individual to developing dyslexia.
Some early symptoms that correlate with a later diagnosis of dyslexia include delays in speech, letter reversal or mirror writing, and being easily distracted by background noise.
At later ages symptoms can include a difficulty identifying or generating rhyming words, or counting syllables in words (phonological awareness), a difficulty segmenting words into individual sounds, or blending sounds to make words, a difficulty with word retrieval or naming problems (see anomic aphasia), commonly very poor spelling, which has been called dysorthographia or dysgraphia (orthographic coding), whole-word guesses, and tendencies to omit or add letters or words when writing and reading are considered classic signs.
Other classic signs for teenagers and adults with dyslexia include trouble with summarizing a story, memorizing, reading aloud, and learning a foreign language. A common misconception about dyslexia is that dyslexic readers write words backwards or move letters around when reading – this only occurs in a very small population of dyslexic readers.
Lastly, there is no cure for dyslexia. Dyslexia individuals can learn to read and write with educational support. There are techniques and technical aids that can manage or even conceal symptoms of the disorder.
Okay, that's all for this post. Byee~~~^^♥
[ps:the dyslexia info take from wiki but not write my own. TQ]