Had been watched Breaking Dawn Part 2 just now and it pretty nice!!! Such a nice movie ever in Twilight saga!! I watched with an anxious and curious how about the ending. But before that I kept reading the whole story of 'em and I knew the ending. It's different that reads on net and watched the movie. The movie was so attracting my whole concentration! Well, if someone want to read the story line first before watching movie, here was the link->Breaking Dawn Pt. 2! I bet you guys won't want to read it first before the movie. Take the suprise of the movie! Amazing~~~ It's the best of best in Twilight Saga series I ever watched!
Last, I like Edward's smile in the scene and he looks blissful~^^ I'll missed Edward and the Cullens... Ohoo........ Can't believe it's finished=(
Okay, it's too late now. Must go to the bed now.
Good night~