
Paul Wesley

Paul Wesley生于1982年7月23日,原名Paul Thomas Wasilewski ,波兰裔美国演员。因在ABC短剧《Fallen》中饰演Aaron Corbett一角和The CW TV的《吸血鬼日记》中饰演Stefan Salvatore一角而名声鹊起。Paul凭借他娴熟的演技,独特的忧郁气质,偶尔透露出的幽默阳光,以及棱角分明的俊朗外表,现已成为继电影《暮光之城》后新一位广受欢迎的吸血鬼王子。

姓名:Paul Wesley
原名:Paul Thomas Wasilewski
波兰名字:Paul Wasilewski
婚姻状况:已婚,妻子Torrey DeVitto(演员)
代表作:美剧《吸血鬼日记》(The Vampire Diaries)>饰演男一号Stefan Salvatore

  Wesley高中是在纽约的Christian Brothers Academy和Marlboro High School两所学校度过的。在paul高中一年级的时候,他参演了肥皂剧《The Guiding Light》。他从Marlboro High School转学到Lakewood Prep School,是因为后者更能符合他出演电视剧的时间安排。
  2000年从Lakewood Prep School毕业后,他在Rutgers University 开始了大学生涯,但是仅仅一个学期后,在父母的支持下,他退学了,全力转战表演事业。2005年他把自己的艺名改为Paul Wesley。当被问及这个问题的时候,他回答:Wasilewski太难发音了,我是经过父母的允许才改名的。
他的代表作品包括《Guiding Light》《Smallville》《The O.C.》《8 Simple Rules》《Law & Order:Special Victims Unit》《Wolf Lake》《Cane》《American Dreams and Everwood》,他还在CBS的《The Russell Girl》中出演阳光帅气的Evan一角,为濒临死亡的Russell Girl带去了生活的温暖,并在ABC的短剧《Fallen》中担当主演。早期他最为人们熟知的是《Everwood》里的Tommy Callahan 一角。最近的电影作品包括《Peaceful Warrior》《Roll Bounce nd Cloud 9》。当然还有大家最为熟知的《吸血鬼日记》里正直善良的Stefan Salvatore。2008年他出演了《Killer Movie》,这是他第一部主演的电影。他喜欢冰球和滑板,同时还表示对于写作和导演感兴趣。

  Paul Wesley was born Paul Thomas Wasilewski in New Brunswick, New Jersey and grew up in Marlboro, New Jersey. His parents, Agnieszka and Thomas Wasilewski, had moved from Poland shortly before his birth. He has one older sister, Monika, and two younger sisters, Julia and Leah.Wesley attended Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft, New Jersey and Marlboro High School for a period during his high school years. During his junior year in high school, Wesley was cast in the soap opera The Guiding Light as character Max Nickerson. He transferred from Marlboro High School to Lakewood Prep School in Howell, New Jersey because the school was able to accommodate his acting schedule.
  He graduated from there in 2000 and then started college at Rutgers University but left after one semester with his parents support when more roles were offered to him and he realized he could make a career out of acting.
  In 2005, he began to credit himself as Paul Wesley. When asked why he changed his professional name from Paul Wasilewski to Paul Wesley, he replied: "Wasilewski was too hard to pronounce. I asked my family's permission to change it."
  He has had a number of roles on shows such as Guiding Light, Smallville, The O.C., 8 Simple Rules, Wolf Lake, Cane, and American Dreams. He is perhaps best known for his role as Tommy Callahan on Everwood. He appeared in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit second season-premiere episode, "Wrong is Right" as well as the episode "Ripped".
  Recent film credits include Peaceful Warrior, Roll Bounce, and Cloud 9. He also starred opposite Amber Tamblyn in CBS' The Russell Girl and had the lead role in ABC Family's Fallen Miniseries. In 2008, he played Jake Tanner, his first leading role, in the Killer Movie.

  Wesley recently had a role on Lifetime's Army Wives as the soldier boyfriend of Emmalin Holden and as Kim Bauer's husband Stephen on 24. He is currently starring as Stefan Salvatore, one of the leads, in The Vampire Diaries which premiered September 2009 on The CW Television Network.

  He enjoys playing ice hockey and snowboarding. Wesley has expressed an interest in also writing and directing.Holly Russell from Perth Western Australia is claimed to be one of his best friends. They were last seen walking in Central Park with Nina Dobrev. He has also been spotted numerous times kissing Nina Dobrev who he met whilst playing the role of Stephen Salvator in the vampire diaries.


  这位在CW正值火热时期的电视剧,《吸血鬼日记》中扮演Stefan salvatore的年轻演员在2011年的第一个月,与相恋三年的Torrey Devitto结婚了。
  他们在2008年的《Killer Movie》中,相识、相知、相恋,并在Paul并不知名的阶段共同度过了两年时光。而如今Paul已经成为了红透美国的吸血鬼王子,相恋三年的他们在2011年步入了婚姻的殿堂。原本低调的他们,是因好友推特上的爆料,才得使这一消息流传了出来。从各种街拍中可以看到,这一对美国的金童玉女是十分令人羡慕的一对年轻情侣。

  柯梦波丹杂志2010年度幽默与无惧男士奖项Fun Fearless Male Award
       TV com NOW Awards年度最性感吸血鬼



2010年公众选择奖(PCA)最热门情侣(Hotest Couple):Stefan & Elena


  《The Last Run》........Seth
  《Roll Bounce》冰上迪斯科........Troy
  《Cloud 9》........Jackson Fargo
  《Peaceful Warrior》........Trevor
  《Lenexa, 1 Mile》........Rick Lausier
  《Killer Movie》杀手电影........Jake Tanner
  《Beneath the Blue》蔚蓝之下........Craig Morrison........Post-production 
  《The Baytown Disco》........Anthony Reese

《Another World》........Sean McKinnon........1 episode

  《Guiding Light》........Max Nickerson........6 episodes
  《Law & Order: Special Victims Unit》........Danny Burrell/Luke Breslin........2 episodes
  《Shot in the Heart》........Gary (Age 15-22)........Television Movie
  《Wolf Lake》狼湖........Luke Cates........10 episodes
  《Young Arthur》........Lancelot........Television Movie
  《Law & Order: Criminal Intent》........Luke Miller........1 episode, Malignant
  《American Dreams》美国梦........Tommy DeFelice........10 episodes


  《The Edge》........Himself........Television Movie
  《Smallville》超人前传第二季........Lucas Luthor........1 episode, Prodigal
  《The O.C.》橘子郡那男孩........Donnie........1 episode, The Outsider
  《8 Simple Rules》8条约会规则........Damian........2 episodes
  《Everwood》........Tommy Callahan........9 episodes
  《CSI: Miami》........Jack Warner Bradford........1 episode, Legal
  《CSI: NY》........Steve Samprass........1 episode, Grand Murder at Central Station
  《Crossing Jordan》........Quentin Baker........1 episode, Thin Ice
  《Fallen》........Aaron Corbett........Television Movie

《Fallen》........Aaron Corbett........Lead Role (
Mini-Series), 4 episodes

  《Cane》........Nick........3 episodes
  《Shark》........Justin Bishop........1 episode, Shaun of the Dead
  《The Russell Girl》拉塞尔女孩........Evan Carroll........Television Movie
  《Cold Case》........Petey Murphy '08........1 episode, Bad Reputation
  《Army Wives》........Logan Atwater........6 episodes, Recurring Role
  <The Vampire Diaries> 吸血鬼日记........Stefan Salvatore........Lead Role
  《24》反恐24小时........Stephen........6 episodes, Supporting Role

  简介:这是一部令人痛心且又发人深思的影片,看后总能让人内心平静许多。一名年轻女子患上白血病,莎拉·拉塞尔(爱波·塔布琳饰)是一个23岁的医学院学生,也是一个有志青年,回到家本想与亲爱的家人来一起分享谈论一些重要的事情,和朋友Evan Carroll(Paul Wesley饰)等相聚一下,但是等待她去面对的却是自己的少年时期发生的一件无可挽回的意外。然而面对即将失去生命的少女,什么不可以原谅的呢?
  影评:涤荡心灵的好电影,一部关于" forgiveness "可以为我们涤荡心灵的好电影,演员,镜头,音乐,每个元素都很棒。真实表现了人类的某些复杂情感,它在告诉我们一个很简单却很容易被忽视的道理:宽恕别人也就是善待自己。敞开心扉,接受家人朋友的关怀,并同样的去关心他们,你会发现生活会变得美好起来,任何困难都不再是问题。

  简介:17岁的Elena Gilbert和她15岁的弟弟Jeremy至今仍惊魂未定,努力从四个月前的那场夺走了他们双亲的车祸中恢复过来。Elena一直以来都是美丽,受欢迎的明星学生,和同学以及朋友们处的很融洽,然而现在她却发现自己竭力在世人面前掩饰内心的悲痛。Elena和Jeremy现在和他们曾是不良少女而又迷途知返渴望照顾他们的阿姨Jenna生活在一起,Jenna努力想做一个好的监护人。Mystic Falls高中的新学期开始了,平静的小镇里的普通高中,新来了一个英俊神秘的新学生Stefan(Paul Wesley饰演),Stefan和Elena彼此一见倾心,尽管Elena对Stefan愈发怪异的举动感到很迷惑,Elena不知道Stefan埋藏着一个黑暗的惊天秘密--他其实是个吸血鬼。Stefan前脚刚来,怀揣着不知道什么邪恶目的的哥哥Damon也如鬼如魅般卷入了平静的小镇生活。Damon同样是吸血鬼,并且兄弟俩有一段漫长的辛酸史。Damon嘲笑Stefan放弃了他们暴力和凶残的传统,但他理解弟弟对Elena的痴情,因为Elena和一个半世纪前让他们兄弟俩终身难忘的一个女子长得几乎一模一样,现在这对一正一邪的兄弟,为了Elena和她的朋友,家人和小镇上所有人的生命而爆发了战斗……

[To be continued with Paul Wesley--II]

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